v.94 (beta) patch notes

  • [Feature] Improved network performance quite a bit by not sending all game room data when the player is already in a game. 
  • [Feature] You can now see the current players in the room, their player colors, team, ping and connection status by hitting the TAB key. 
  • [Feature] Aircraft movement in multiplayer games significantly improved. You should not see harpies teleporting anymore and in general, air units will be where they are supposed to be across all clients. 
  • [Feature] The game now pauses and displays a message when a player disconnects and is attempting to reconnect. When the player reconnects, the game continues. This will prevent a lot of de-sync issues.
  • [Feature] Firefox now supported. 
  • [Feature] Game now pauses in multiplayer when you leave the tab. If you leave the tab for too long, you are kicked from the game. 
  • [Feature] Button to restart game added to end game screen in survival.
  • [Fix] Current wave box in Survival fixed. 
  • [Fix] Fixed issue which caused waves to stop in Survival. 
  • [Fix] Fixed some styling on dialog boxes like the position of the close button. 
  • [Fix] Game pause text no longer displays "left click to unpause" as pausing is currently involuntary in network games. 
  • [Fix] Burners now shown on enemy droids. 
  • [Gameplay] Enemy units revealed in fog of war now show for 3 seconds instead of 5. 
  • [Gameplay] Bullfrog build time reduced from 15 to 12.
  • [Gameplay] Manta build time reduced from 15 to 10. 
  • [Gameplay] Droid build time reduced from 20 to 15. 
  • [Gameplay] Bomber maximum velocity reduced from 700 to 600.
  • [Gameplay] Peregrine now fires more discriminately. 
  • [Gameplay] Overhauled air movement again by switching back to angular velocity to handle turns instead of tweening. Air unit turning and animations should be a lot smoother now, but should be similar in maneuverability to the tween turn system (previous overhaul). Air unit turning is handled with physics but switches to tweens when the desired angle is almost achieved (for more accurate guns). 
  • [Gameplay] Workers collect carbon and ore at 60% of the previous rate. 
  • [Gameplay] Command Center carbon cost reduced to 200. 
  • [Gameplay] Mech Factory build time reduced from 40 seconds to 30.
  • [Gameplay] Manta carbon cost reduced from 100 to 75.
  • [Gameplay] Manta health reduced from 970 to 700. 

