v.62 (alpha) patch notes

  • [Feature] Added chat sound notification to make it more obvious when people are trying to talk to you in-game.
  • [Feature] You can now toggle chat with allies or all by hitting the control key at the chat dialog.
  • [Feature] You can now see a list of current selected unit icons in the bottom center of the screen.
  • [Feature] Camera movement by mouse or keys now works diagonally.
  • [Feature[ You can now adjust the scroll speed in your user options.
  • [Fix] The mute button in the lobby now displays the correct icon.
  • [Fix] Removed canvas rendering as an option in menu settings. That setting should not be exposed to users as it has the potential to break the game. You can try canvas render however by adding “?rendering=canvas” to the play url.
  • [Fix] Fixed an issue where you were limited to x number of teams even if the map had more possible teams.

Website stuff

  • [Feature] Added paypal payment option
  • [Feature] Added every country imaginable for billing address. You should be able to purchase the game worldwide.
  • [Fix] Fixed the login text styling (was difficult to read)
